Monday, September 17, 2012

Hong Kong Museum of Art

Okay, I admit it. I've been doing things OTHER than eating. Amazing, right? Here are some pictures of my favorite pieces at the Museum of Art, which had a comprehensive Chinese ceramics display.

Vase with Twisted Handle (2400-2000 B.C.)

Pottery Vase (Western Han Period, 206 B.C - 8 A.D.).
Doesn't this look amazingly like modern art??

Hey... doesn't this next mythical beast remind you of a Final Fantasy monster?

Mythical Beast (Western Jin Period, 265 - 316 A.D.)

Behemoth, Final Fantasy monster and sometimes-summon

Pear-shaped vase (Yuan Dynasty, 1271 - 1368)
So pretty and delicate!

Rhinoceros horn cup (Early Qing Dynasty, 1650 - 1750)

Bamboo brush-rest in the shape of nine chi-dragons (18th century)

Bamboo Lui Hai with three-legged toad (all right,
you can't tell me that Chinese people don't have
a sense of humor!)

Bamboo elephant and man (early 18th century)

I was probably most surprised at some of the glass-work, which featured sharp contrasts in color and were very vividly beautiful.

Glass vase with dragon design in transparent red
overlay and opaque white ground (Qing Dynasty,
Qianlong Period, 1736 - 1795)

Glass vase with crane and deer design in yellow
overlay and opaque turquoise background (Late 18th
century/ early 19th century)

Glass vase with chi-dragon design in blue overlay
on opaque white background (Qing dynasty,
Qianlong Period, 1736 - 1795)

1 comment:

  1. pretty cool stuff. i actually like a lot of them! and yes.....ff monster!
