Monday, August 26, 2013

Necessity is the mother of... good food...?

I love cooking because sometimes it's science, and sometimes it's art. And once in a while, it's the magic of two totally unrelated items, bound together into one surprisingly delicious mouthful.

When I opened my fridge up yesterday, there was some leftover polenta that I had left sitting in a ramekin. Polenta by itself is delicious, but I didn't have enough to have as an entire meal. A quick inventory check turned up mushrooms. And zuchinni. All good stuff. But then my imaginary mad-chef light bulb dinged, as I spied some chinese sausage in a side shelf. Oh the madness! Or... is it? Polenta is pretty much used as the staple starch in northern Italy, so that's like rice, right? Right???!

To start, I pan-fried the leftover round of polenta

On top of the polenta, I added a seared round of zucchini, and some
diced mushrooms and chinese sausage. Looks pretty already! Seeing
these layers, I was struck again by my hidden mad-chef. This reminded me
a lot of eggs benedict, with its round layers. So the logical next step is...

Adding an egg on top! I was too lazy to poach the egg, so it's just fried
sunny-side up. Mmmm, yummy layers.

Creamy yolk, canvassing all the little nooks and crannies underneath.

It certainly LOOKS good, but how does it taste? Surprisingly delicious.
The salty/sweet fat from the chinese sausage worked perfectly with
the creaminess of the polenta. The zucchini added a nice greenness, and
the egg just bound everything together.

Holy cow, did I just cook a fusion dish??? Watch; Momofuku is going to be serving up this combo in 6 months!